Hi, I'm Jamie.

Web Mage, Character Designer, Pizza Alchemist

freakmoch (art) = seabirdshanty (code)

What Exactly can I do?

Web Development

From simple pages to full websites, my designs are surely unique in their presentation. My best work is fan work – Fanlistings, fanshrines, fandom. I love making introductory “card” pages and pages that tell you all about the shows I love and hold dearly to my heart.

Character Artist

With simple lines and bold watercolor, I enjoy drawing my favorite characters, as well as designing some characters for friends. Imostly draw in my free time using an iPad Pro 9.7 and Procreate. I am also learning to use a Cintiq with Clip Studio Paint.

If you don't have a passion for something, then how can you have fun with your work?

Skills and Testimonials

"the threat of being suplexed by jam can be low depending on your proximity to jam, but is never absolutely zero"
DIRE Guildee
Front-End Web Development 80%
Backend Web Development 60%
Artistic Skill 70%
Communication Skills 100%
Active Threat to Deadlines 100%
"jam dreams in css, how can you even do that!? you terrify me with how fast you are sometimes"
SL Friend
Atelier Quest ♥ WordPress
Photography & OC Artwork © 2023 Atelier Quest.
Atelier Quest claims no rights over third party works used in any web design, and such content is utilized  for demonstration use only under the Fair-Use Disclaimer.