Welcome to my Site

this is a tiny subheader. hello.

Fancy pantsy paragraph stuff. Look at Hana being all cute. Look at her! What a sweetheart, A cutie patoot. Her husband is below this, but no one knows if they're actually gonaa be canon, because, y'know. plot points. At lest their past selves are fated to be

This is pretty much just a really fancy looking page for my school final. I hope this is at least good enough, and I'll be having it up and functional within a week.

The series featured in this set is called Kurenai Ouji. In quote from love scans:

Sakura Koujirou is a demon prince who descends to the human world in order to take human souls. But after a strange turn of events, he somehow ends up living with a human girl, Hana. This is a story of young love, sweet and touching.

Some Sample Text

because every layout has one.

bold italics strike out a link

Extra Avatar Icons

everything is so pink. so. very. pink.

site (c) jamie, kurenai ouji (c) kuwahara souta